Hutton le Hole Aim Realised
From Our Correspondent, Kirkbymoorside, Sunday
Hutton le Hole’s new village hall was opened yesterday by Lady Marjorie Beckett, deputising for the Earl of Feversham, who is suffering from an attack of influenza.
Mr Arnold S. Rowntree chairman of the committee of management said the hall will be a model for village halls in the country. The village could not have secured so fine a building but for the generosity of Mr & Mrs F J Burnley, who had done more than give a large cheque.
Lady Marjorie Beckett said that social amenities must be improved for all classes; otherwise they would seek their recreations in the cities.
Mr Wilfred Crosland, Hon. Treasurer for the Hall, stated that subscriptions first started in 1933, and the four fairs held in 1934, 1935, 1937 and 1938 brought in £395, to which there had been added interest of £46, while other efforts had raised £64. Individual gifts made for special purposes and equipment had brought in £37, and there were other individual donations of £1,834, of which over £1700 had been subscribed by Mr & Mrs F J Burnley. The Carnegie Trust had made a grant of £500, making a total of £2,876. Sir Philip Reckitt had made a gift of £116 towards the maintenance fund, bringing in interest of £3 15sh. a year.
Mr & Mrs F J Burnley, and Mr J Warde-Aldam, assistant secretary of the Yorkshire Rural Community Council, also spoke.
From a newspaper cutting of the time.
Hall opened 29 April 1939.
Village Hall 1939