Sunday Play
At the Village Hall Annual Meeting held on May 26th 1948 the following resolution was carried unanimously:
“That this Committee of Management (of the Village Hall) shall see to it that the Playing Field is not used for games on Sundays and that any resolution to rescind this rule shall be submitted to an Annual Meeting provided that notice of such resolution was given at the previous Annual Meeting.
On May 29th 1952 due notice having been given at the previous Annual Meeting Mr Sutherland moved the following:
“That play be allowed on the Playing Field on Sundays provided that there is no play during Church hours and that no matches shall be played; and that play be confined to the Club’s members; and that this provision for Sunday play be tried for twelve months and shall be reviewed at the next Annual Meeting of the Village Hall.”
A ballot vote was taken on this resolution which showed it to be carried.
N.B. (No objection was raised at the following Annual General Meeting if the agreement of no play during Church hours is faithfully carried on.)
Notice having been given to the Annual Meeting of the Village Hall Committee of Management held on May 6th 1960 that a resolution would be submitted to the Annual Meeting to be held in 1961 that Sunday playing of games be allowed and that the previous resolution of May 29th 1952 be rescinded.
Major Broad moved the following:
“That play be allowed on the Playing Field on Sundays and that play shall include the playing of matches provided that no matches shall be played during Church Service hours at the Village Church.”
This resolution was put to a ballot vote which resulted in 15 for the resolution and 11 against.