Hutton le Hole Playing Field Association
The Hutton le Hole Playing Field Association was then formed on the following lines: The Village Hall Committee of Management recognising its responsibilities for the care and maintenance of the Playing Field proposes
1 That a Playing Field Association be formed to take control of the Playing Field, to supervise all activities in connection with the Playing Field and to take full responsibility both in respect of financial and all administrative arrangements in connection with the Playing Field.
2 That the Association shall consist of (a) three members of the Village Hall Committee; these three members to be appointed by the Village Hall Committee to act as liaison between the Committee and the Association; (b) two members from each of the Clubs using the Playing Field – each Club to elect its own representatives; (c) one member to be elected by the Parish Meeting; (d) the Association shall co-opt as many members as it thinks fit.
3 That the Association shall have power to conduct its own business with complete freedom and to make whatever financial arrangements it considers necessary; provided always that it maintains the Playing Field and the equipment at the highest standard of efficiency and that it does not involve the Village Hall Committee in any expense without getting their written consent.
4 The Playing Field is vested in the Village Hall Trust; and if the Village Hall Committee of Management considers that the Association is failing to discharge its responsibilities it shall call a joint meeting to consider what steps shall be taken to rectify the situation.