Article 4 Direction in Hutton le Hole Conservation Area
What You Need to Know
How to apply for consent for works controlled by an Article 4 Direction
Article 4 Directions remove certain permitted development rights. This means that Planning Permission is required for some work that could previously be carried out without applying for consent.
Works requiring consent
You need to apply for Planning Permission to carry out any of the following work on an elevation fronting a highway, waterway or open space.
A highway is defined as any public right of way.
Open spaces include gap sites, large gardens or orchards, fields, greens or commons, and spaces at the entrance to the Conservation Area.
* The construction, alteration or demolition of a chimney.
* Any other changes to a roof including changes to the design, materials or profile.
For example:
Changing pantiles to concrete tiles.
Installing roof lights or solar panels.
Changing a slate roof with diminishing courses to a plain slate roof.
* The installation of a satellite dish or satellite aerial on a roof, chimney or wall.
* The construction of a porch or other extension.
* The rendering or painting of previously non-rendered and unpainted elevations.
For example:
Painting brick, stone or timber walls, rendering brick or stone walls.
* The alteration of guttering or rainwater goods and the installation of fascia boards.
For example:
Loss of gutter spikes and hoppers, change from cast iron to plastic.
* Alteration to the appearance, style and method of opening of doors and windows.
For example:
Changing sliding sash windows to top hung.
Changing timber doors/windows to plastic.
Changing the profile of reveals or cills.
Increasing the width or altering the profile of glazing bars.
Removing paint and staining windows and doors.
Painting untreated doors and windows.
* The erection, alteration or removal of a wall, fence or gate.
Consent is not required for:
Maintenance work.
Like-for-like repair or Like-for-like replacement.
How to apply for works covered by Article 4 Direction
Applications for work controlled by an Article 4 Direction are free of charge.
A formal Planning Application is required by law for applications resulting from an Article 4 Direction.
Application forms and all related information can be obtained from the National Park’s website at
Website:National Park
or telephone the Authority’s Development Control Administration Team on 01439 770657
Conservation Area Enhancement Grants
Please contact NYMNPA for details.